
Word List

stimulus sensory eye effectors conditions
effectors peripheral environment central nervous system
iDevice icon Activity
Use the word list to type in the missing words.

A is a change in the of an organism.

Animals respond to stimuli in order to keep themselves in favourable .

The (CNS) coordinates an animal’s responses using neurons carrying impulses from receptors to the CNS and motor neurons carrying impulses from the CNS to .

e.g. Light receptor cells are in the retina of the .
e.g. Hormone secreting cells are in glands .
e.g. Muscle cells are effectors in a .

In the mammalian nervous system the CNS (brain and spinal cord) is connected to the body via the nervous system. (sensory and motor neurons).


IDevice Question Icon Quick Quiz
1. What is a change in the environment of an organism?

2. The peripheral nervous system is...
The brain and spinal cord.
The sensory and motor neurons.

3. Effectors are...
Muscles and sense organs.
Sense organs and glands.
Muscles and glands.